Thursday, January 25, 2007

Star Cars: Rent your favorite Movie car!

Damn this looks like one hell of an idea, why didn�t I think of it? Well, actually, even if I did, I don�t think that I�d have enough dough to start an operation like this but anyway. Star Car Hire is a UK based company that does exactly what their name promises to: they rent movie star cars! Of course we�re not talking about original pieces here but replicas -not that most of your friends will ever know the difference.

Star Cars' garage includes Batmobiles, Kitts, Starsky & Hutch Gran Torinos, Dukes of Hazzard General Lees, Back to the Future DeLoreans, Clint Eastwood Pink Cadillac, Del Boys Trotter Mobile, The A-Team Van, Smokey & The Bandit Trans Ams, Herbie Volkswagen Beetles, Tony Green's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and many more. They even have various US police cars and taxis! Via: Motorpasion & Star Cars Hire
Check out our full gallery of Star Cars Hire by clicking �Read more�� below

Technorati: Replica, car+hires, rent, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007, pictures, images,


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