This is just another example of how consumerism and advertising rule our universe. An article from (a blog) reported on best selling mystery author James Patterson�s �The Cross� and his mega interest in the Mercedes R350. By mega interest we mean a whole chapter in the middle of the plot describing a trip to the Mercedes dealership! Not to mention various other references to the car throughout the novel. KickingTires made an interesting point- �we can�t help but wonder if Patterson is shuffling to book signings in his own shiny new R350.� Thanks Mercedes... Via:
Technorati: Mercedes-Benz, R350, James+Patterson, Cross, novel, Best+seller, autos, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, pictures, images
Friday, December 29, 2006
Cross� advertising: Best seller gets extra cozy with Mercedes

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