Friday, November 24, 2006

USW launches TV & Radio spots questioning the safety of Goodyear tires made by replacement workers!

Ouch � United Steelworkers union (USW), which represents Goodyear�s striking workers has just released a series of Radio & TV spots calling into question the safety of tires made by Goodyear�s replacement workers!

In the TV add shown above (check out the radio spot bellow), USW reminds consumers what happened a few years ago when Firestone (the don�t actually say the name but it's obvious�) used replacement workers during a strike! The 30-second spot shows an... "unidentified" SUV flipping out of control.

We remind you that 15,000 Goodyear workers (all USW members) in 16 plants in North America went out on strike on October 5. The USW is the largest industrial union in North America, representing more than 850,000 workers in the U.S. and Canada. Some 70,000 are employed in the tire, rubber and plastics industry.

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